4 Basic tags in HTML

Mainly entire HTML document is divided into two parts: the head and the body. A new HTML page must have a declaration: . It tells browser that the following file is an HTML file. Basically four primary tags are used to build any webpage: , , and <body>.<h4 style="text-align: left;"> Basic tags</h4> <div> <h5> <html> </h5> <p> As discussed earlier <html> & </html> tags contain entire web-page. This tag may contain <head>, <body>, <iframe>, etc. </p> <hr> <h5> <head> :</h5> <p> This tag is used to provide information for inner working of document. Document is nothing but your HTML page itself. </p> <p> It contain <title> tag, which defines document title and displayed in Title-bar of your web-browser.</p> <p> <head> defines document header. This tag end with </head> tag.</p> <p> It may contain other tags that define & manage document contents. Here are these tags <base>, <link>, <meta>, <style>, and <script>.</p> <p> <head> tag is placed just after the <html> tag & before <body> or <iframe> tag.</p> <p> Head tags and thier descriptions:</p> <table><tbody> <tr><th><p> Tag</p> </th><th><p> Description</p> </th></tr> <tr><td><p> <title></p> </td><td><p> It defines the document title.</p> </td></tr> <tr><td><p> <base></p> </td><td><p> Defines a base URL for all the links on a page.</p> </td></tr> <tr><td><p> <link></p> </td><td><p> Defines a resource reference.</p> </td></tr> <tr><td><p> <meta></p> </td><td><p> Defines meta information.</p> </td></tr> </tbody></table> <hr> <h5> <title> : </h5> <p> It defines document title. Anything entered between <title> & is displayed on the title-bar. It has end tag
It defines document body. It contains body content. It ends with .
It has following attributes:
alink:Defines color for active link.rgb(x,x,x) or #xxxxxx or colorname
background:Sets a background image for a document.URL
link:Sets hyperlink color which are not clicked by user.rgb(x,x,x) or #xxxxxx or colorname
vlink:Set color for link which the user had followed.rgb(x,x,x) or #xxxxxx or colorname
bgcolor:It defines document background color.rgb(x,x,x) or
#xxxxxx or colorname
text:Changes body text color from default value.rgb(x,x,x) or #xxxxxx or colorname
title:Specifies extra information about an element.text

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Hi. I am Ramesh Wetkoli. Three things I try to include in my blog posts are creativity, useful insights, and trendy information. IT graduate and working professional. I have leveraged 9+ years of work experience in IT industry and learnt various technologies, providing merchandizing support and handling digital marketing responsibilities.

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